How to become an AHA instructor


New Delhi Jasola
Mathura Rd, Jasola, New Delhi, Delhi 110076


Mar 24 - 26 2025


9:00 am - 5:00 pm

AHA BLS ACLS Instructor course 2025

Updated on February 22, 2025

Next dates for AHA BLS ACLS Instructor course

Delhi – March 24 BLS; 25 ACLS; 26 PALS
Hyderabad – April 11 BLS; 12 ACLS

Those who have finished their provider training and have performed well during provider course can be accepted for BLS ACLS instructor course. Find more details below.


Age : 18 yrs plus (As AHA is not allowed to collect information of minors)

Provider first: Have current provider status and be proficient in all the skills of that discipline

You need not do provider course from the same ITC that is conducting the Instructor course. But the ITC has the right to approve or reject your application.


Apply : Complete an Instructor Candidate Application and submit to the ITC. You should be accepted by the ITC first.

BLS ACLS instructor course

Instructor essentials : Successfully complete the appropriate discipline-specific online Instructor Essentials course (The ITC shall guide you on this). Make sure to bring the certificate of completion while coming to the course.

Course material : You will be given AHA instructor manual (e-copy)

Monitoring : Once you finish monitoring (depending on ITC policies, they may ask you to teach one or two courses before they issue eCard), you will be issued an instructor eCard which can be located on your atlas portal from AHA.

AHAIN – The global AHA Instructor network – Login to the AHAIN and get aligned to the ITC.


The online portion takes about 1 hour

Classroom portion varies for each course.

  • BLS – 5hrs
  • ACLS – 7Hrs
  • PALS – 7 hrs

Status maintenance

Once you become an instructor, it’s not a permanent status. You must meet the criteria to be renewed every 2 yrs. If not, the ITC may refuse to renew your instructor status.

  • Teach at least 4 courses in 2 years in accordance with the guidelines of the AHA
  • Strengthen and support the Chain of Survival and the mission of the AHA in my community
  • Conduct myself in accordance with the ECC Leadership Code of Conduct
  • Avoid any perception of conflict of interest in accordance with the AHA Statement of Conflict of Interest

The ITC can still renew if the ITC thinks you are a good instructor even if you fail to teach 4 courses in 2 years (at their discretion).

Instructor course Fee


Fee is 12500 for BLS Instructor
15000 for ACLS instructor
Combined – 25000 Rs